If we wish to serve God and love our neighbor well, we must manifest our joy in the service we render to Him and them. Let us open wide our hearts. It is a joy which invites us. Press forward and fear nothing. -St. Katharine Drexel

When I met him, my pain was constant. Days before, as I walked laps, in the pouring rain, around my neighborhood in a futile attempt to loosen my back, the definition of insanity popped into my mind. You know the one, right? I think it might be an Albert Einstein-ism? Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That was me and my dreadfully painful back, for about two years.

I was encouraged by multiple friends to try a Chiropractor. Actually, I was urged to see this particular doc. I’ll be honest. This form of treatment had always sounded a lot like quackery to me. Desperate times call for desperate measures, I decided. Pain opens the mind to new ideas like few other things, and I was already pretty sure I was killing myself slowly due to overdosing on Aleve. Don’t be like me. Get help much sooner!

Dr. Justin Gilmore runs an immaculate and efficient operation. His office staff, Kristin and Kelli (whose names I might be misspelling) are friendly and knowledgeable. He under promises and overdelivers when it comes to his work. As far as I am concerned, he’s never allowed to retire, ha? I’m pretty sure his beautiful wife Laura, and their two young daughters would not be on my page there. Who can blame them? He’s a big scoop of that famous awesome sauce!!

Here’s what makes Justin a little “extra” as my kids sometimes say. He has a good sense of humor and a quick smile. He’s full of faith, and it shows in how he patiently and kindly treats everyone around him. I’ve witnessed it in his office, and I’ve seen him at church. He is definitely outnumbered at home, but those Gilmore ladies are three incredibly blessed human beings. I know this because he absolutely BEAMS when speaking about them behind their backs.

The path to building that gorgeous family of his, I happen to know, has not been the easiest journey. I’d guess from my interactions, that the path for him was filled with prayer, and the struggles were shared with the Lord frequently. I’m a big believer in their efficacy and power now in a way that I was not earlier in my life. The same goes for chiropractic medicine. This man reinforced both of those concepts for me as solid ideas.

Thank you, Justin, for all you do each day. Your life inspires in so many ways. Keep doing you, Doc. The world needs all the hard working, faith-filled humans it can get. You are among the best of those!

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I’m Shelly

Welcome to He Never Misses, my cozy corner of the internet. Abundant sunlight, and a warm, pleasant atmosphere focused on living a life of authentic faith is my jam. I fancy myself a Jesus girl, which means I try to do two challenging things at the same time– be the love and speak the truth. Ideally, if you visit, you’ll leave uplifted, energized, and maybe even chuckling a little to yourself. I struggle to behave appropriately sometimes, and it shows. All are welcome!

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